Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You can add up the parts but you won't have the sum

Failure wasn't an option but it was to be the outcome.  Two so obviously alike yet so opposite and far apart.  Each betrayed by both the laws of  nature and nurture. Both so far down the rabbit hole of an era...of a closed adoption.  It was a dance, where neither knew the steps...thrown into the spotlight and onto the dance floor of life...with awkward silences...crickets...and inner tumultous conversations with self.  Questions of loyalty and gratefulness.  Wanting to reach out but neither dared.  Neither saying what they really meant yet outwardly screaming to anyone but each other.  This pandora reality.  Not the music app but the box...the one that held all the secrets, the answers, the fear, the truth and the unrelenting loss.  Once opened, it could never be resealed and made whole again.  The box was permanently flawed.  Flawed with cracks of previous lives, opinions, shame, blame, misconceptions, preconceived name it, it was all in there.
Cracks that could have let the light in...if only the light could have prevailed.  If only.
~ Leonard Cohen
The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.

I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring ...

You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.

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